Programming a computer is still one of the most difficult tasks ever undertaken by humankind; becoming proficient in programming requires talent, creativity, intelligence, logic, the ability to build and use abstractions, and experience - even when the best tools are available. - Timothy Budd (
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, 1991, pp.2)
回覆刪除ps. 此諺語同步發佈在 輕鬆談軟工的 facebook 版,其連接如本部落格的右上角。
如果將"programming"換成"analysis, design, management, ...",這則諺語仍然適用,Post這則諺語的目的是要提醒,教軟工的人給學生什麼『禮物』?
回覆刪除這則諺語所列,要精通程式製作的需求比較抽象,所以也可解釋涵蓋溝通與分析能力,不過明講也不妨,這兩項也是Agile Modeling的價值,另文討論。因原文沒有這兩項,所以加上括號。
有好tool , 還是熟識該 tool!!!
回覆刪除根據Steve 所著的 "Code Complete" ... 好的工具並熟識此工具 能提升效率超過50%!